Phone for Magic: 519-379-4842

easy magic with numbers

#42 Psychic Magic Numbers!!

The Magician places 6 cards on the table. Each card has 35 random numbers between 1 and 60. A volunteer thinks of any number from 1 to 60. The Magician asks the volunteer to scan all the cards and touch… Continue reading

#29 The Fastest Calculator

The Magician and audience members suggest random numbers and the magician writes them onto a pad of paper until there are 5 four digit numbers listed. Calculators are given out and audience members begin to add the numbers, while the… Continue reading

#23 Random Numbers Prediction

The Magician hands a volunteer an envelope, then proceeds to create a random number by asking for a one digit number from 3 new volunteers. But that’s not where it ends. To make the final number even more randomly impossible… Continue reading