Phone for Magic: 519-379-4842

magic tutorials kid’s magic tricks

#30 The “I Do” & “You Do” Card Trick

The magician does an action and then the volunteer repeats the same action and after a few moves both their cards are the only 2 cards that have magically been reversed in the deck!!

#28 The Coin & The Balloon

The magician holds a clear balloon and a coin in his/her hand. He/she takes the mouth of the balloon in the other hand and then blows up the balloon. Then impossibly, the magician pushes the coin through the balloon, where… Continue reading

#23 Random Numbers Prediction

The Magician hands a volunteer an envelope, then proceeds to create a random number by asking for a one digit number from 3 new volunteers. But that’s not where it ends. To make the final number even more randomly impossible… Continue reading

#15 The Way To Get More Money

The magician shows a $5 bill front and back and says: “Here is the way to get more money.” The magician folds the $5 bill once, twice, three and four times and then blows on the bill. When the bill… Continue reading

#14 Psychic Bingo

The magician asks a volunteer to use their psychic ability to divine the number concealed in a box which is in full view of the audience. The volunteer reaches into a clear Ziplock bag filled with dozens of Bingo chips… Continue reading